

  • 14
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 上海市 上海市安远路518号宝华城市晶典大厦1506-1508室
  • 姓名: 丁先生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:机械 轴流泵
  • 发布日期:2016-06-20
  • 阅读量:225
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1000.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海  


    上海武田机电有限公司**销售 WEPUKO高压泵,WEPUKO柱塞泵,WEPUKO液压泵,产品型号齐全,价格优廉,欢迎咨询订购!WEPUKO高压泵,WEPUKO柱塞泵,WEPUKO液压泵,WEPUKO HYDRAULIK
    Wepuko HYDRAULIK有限公司成立于1932年。即使**过75年后Wepuko- HYDRAULIK GmbH是一个健康和成功的的公司。我们是在高压泵领域的**者。 
    Welcome to the market leader for sophisticated high pressure pumps. Wepuko Hydraulik offers its customers tried and tested technology combined with innovative solutions in the fields of: Water hydraulics Oil hydraulics Process technology Presses and press drives 
    Wepuko Hydraulik GmbH was founded in 1932. Even after more than 75 years Wepuko-Hydraulik GmbH is a healthy and successful company. We are among the leaders in the field of high pressure pumps. We have survived the years of recessionary doldrums in Germany and many other countries intact and even managed to boost the company's turnover last year to over 19 million euros. The company's workforce has also grown steadily and continuously in recent years. That Wepuko-Hydraulik GmbH has managed to successfully steer its way around the choppy economic waters of recent years is evidence, if any were needed, of the quality of our products, our services and - above all - our employees. We are proud of all our employees - past and present. It is they who have contributed most to the success of the company and who will continue to shape the successful future of the company in the years ahead. Wherever our customers operate - in the petrochemical, gas, electricity or food processing industries - they all value the high quality standards of our products. Wepuko-Hydraulik GmbH finds just the right solution, whatever the task. We were doing it 75 years ago and we're still doing it today.
    欢迎来到上海武田机电有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市上海市安远路518号宝华城市晶典大厦1506-1508室,联系人是丁先生。 主要经营神钢振动给料机;三荣气动葫芦;YAMASHINA山科精机润滑泵系列, VUHZ连铸机液位计、NSD传感器;KABELSCHLEPP拖链;三菱重工系列产品、三菱电机、减速机;JOST、JVM振动电机;东芝电机、TOSVERT东芝变频器、日立减速机、NISSEI减速机、富士电机;NSD等产品。 单位注册资金未知。 我公司在机械产品领域倾注了无限的热忱和激情,公司一直以客户为中心、以客户价值为目标的理念、以品质、服务来赢得市场,衷心希望能与社会各界合作,共创成功,共创辉煌,携手共创美好明天!